Monday, October 19, 2015

entre correr y jugar

entre correr y jugar
la infancia hizo que el tiempo fuera infinito

que el cuerpo
fuera una herramienta para comprenderlo todo

que los sueños,
los días y las noches
fueran un solo gran momento continuo y pleno

que no faltara más que los cariños
las estrellas
el mar
y el suelo

Friday, October 09, 2015


love requires no

love is found in

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

all that I feel

for this occasion
it seems that
anything I can say
is totally dwarfed by all that I feel

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


The rules that govern
the space between
are the rules that govern us

In that space
we have been given
an amount of energy

that knows exactly how to morph
how to transform
how to fill the gaps that words cannot reach

That, spontaneously, 
knows how to electrify the distances
how to orchestrate memory


Wednesday, July 08, 2015

time travel

One thought is my vehicle
to move back and forth
from past to present
from desire to future

Hope is nothing but a highway
that fast tracks the present
that traces a perspective
for longing
for wanting
for expecting

for gaining speed to take off

to fly
to find
to embrace

Monday, June 29, 2015


previously crammed
now becomes bigger

previously full of clutter
now is free and spacious

previously stiff and immobile
now is flexible and agile

now is a good place

so outside
can be anything really

Monday, March 16, 2015

scattered place

I forget my place

you forget yours


for long times

I drift away from you

sometimes you disappear into a foggy distance
where I can't reach you

but sometimes
we both remember

that one day we found the place where we belonged
that we felt it so natural
so real
that we thought it would never be anything else

crazily enough
when all conspired to dismantle it

we thought
we could simply find
an equivalent backwater for our lives

but sometimes
we are reminded
that the only place our souls can actually call home
is that where they can be entangled
with each other

and that place
moves and travels with us everywhere we go
since it is now scattered
my love
between your heart and mine

Monday, March 09, 2015

hasta que llegues

Cuando no estás
soy yo
y soy tu

ocupo mi espacio y el tuyo
doy mis pasos y repaso los tuyos

este amor da
para que yo me multiplique

y mientras
esta coreografía en la que bailo con la memoria
esta mímica de las cosas que haces por mi
cada día
es el ritual que hace posible
que el tiempo pase

hasta que llegues

Sunday, February 22, 2015

if and when

this seems to be
a recurring dilemma

one day i say if
the other you say when

i find my ifs in your whens
and you loose yourself in my ifs

because you know your ifs scare me
as much as I know my whens worry you

which one will it be then?

only time will tell, my love

ya pasó

fue tan precario tan poco tan malo fue tan oscuro fue tan injusto tan innecesario tan doloroso tan tóxico tan bajo anti-po...