Wednesday, January 27, 2010


time and distance engage in a fierce race
to see which can separate me more
from myself

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lao Tsé y La Soledad

No conozco nada y nada me preocupa.
No veo diferencia entre sí y no.
No veo diferencia entre bien y mal.
No temo aquello que la gente teme en la noche.

La gente está feliz como en una fiesta suntuosa
O jugando en el campo en primavera;
Pero yo permanezco tranquilo y vagabundeando,
Como un recién nacido antes de aprender a sonreir,
Solitario, sin hogar.

La gente tiene lo suficiente y para compartir,
Pero yo no poseo nada,
Y mi corazón es ignorante,
turbio y ensombrecido.

La gente está rediante y segura,
Mientras yo sigo ciego y confuso;
La gente es inteligente y sabia,
Mientras permanezco torpe e ignorante,
Sin objetivo, como una ola en la superficie del mar,
Sujeto a nada.

La gente está ocupada con un propósito,
Mientras sigo impractico y tosco.
Estoy aparte del resto de la gente
Todavía sostenido por la Naturaleza.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


and so...
i conduct my journey
as i go
the curves of other's journeys

i always end up summing up my adventures alone

and simply grateful
not sorry
for that's what i've been given

i am but a piece in this huge puzzle
nothing more
a tiny piece
that has learned to ride waves
and endure times

i conduct this journey
because that's the only command
so far
I've understood clearly enough

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


what i make out
how i remember
how i transform


into narratives
into brief chapters
eventful and mostly beautiful

the way in which i interpret
the way in which i travel in memory

what is edited, curated and composed from the rubble of life

is what belongs to me

Friday, January 15, 2010

deseo según Lao Tse

Libre de deseo, comprendes el misterio.
Atrapado en el deseo, sólo ves sus manifestaciones.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the nature of truth

true things
and observe

true things
don't rush

true things
don't just appear
they are harvested

true things
are simple
and make you happy

true things
are not mysterious
they are just true

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

tears never dry

when you've done all you can
when you use all your tools
all your ideas
all your efforts
and you simply try to stay on the surface

to withstand

when you've offered options
when you've compromised whatever was needed

when you've reasoned
when you've even stopped expecting altogether

and still it is not enough
for life
for peace

if i cannot save myself
and obviously no one else can help me

then what?

ya pasó

fue tan precario tan poco tan malo fue tan oscuro fue tan injusto tan innecesario tan doloroso tan tóxico tan bajo anti-po...